Saturday, February 26, 2011

Greetings from Australia

A few days ago, I got an email from a hippo lover in Australia, Jason. :) He likes 'Candy Love' collections and are looking for a pair of Hippos now. :D

I'm helping him in getting the 35cm white hippo, and initially I also wanted to help him getting the 80cm grey hippo. Sadly, when I went to Malaysia, the 80cm hippo was sold out already. :(

I felt apologetic towards Jason.. :( Hopefully, if any of you know where to get this big hippo, you can contact me so I can tell Jason. He's very keen on getting this hippo. :)

And below are some pictures of his collections..

All the hippos and the pug look chubby and fat.. *hug hug* :D Hope to hear good news from some other NICI friends. :)


  1. No wonder they want to get Candy Love, is really beautiful! But at this time is quite difficult to get and more of that size.

  2. Yes.. I know.. Even in Singapore, there is almost no trace of Candy Love except the accesories. :(

    Last time I saw the big hippo in Malaysia, but eventually it's already gone. :'(

  3. Hippos are very difficult to find. I could find only the grey one, in 15 cm (as I collect this size)
    Good luck

  4. Hey Steph are you still active in this blog?


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